
Present continuous. ACTIVITIES

Feis les activitats i després enviau-me un comentari amb els vostres
resultats (Activity 1 ..., activity 2, ...). GOOD LUCK!!!

19 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

Hola som en Joan Riera,
he fet els ejercisis i m'han anat molt bé.Lo que no he trobat el text del llibre, si ho trobau me direu on està per favor? Gràcies.

MiRiAm! (L) ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere i'm Miriam my scores are:
1: 10 2: 100% 3: 99% 4: 90%

Anònim ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere I'm Claudia my es are : number 1 8/10 2 9/10 3 95% 4 7/10

Unknown ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere the activiti 1 is 10% activity 2 is 69% activity 3 is 78% and the activity 4 is 12% Mari Tere is very very very dificult

isa ha dit...

hello Maritero i´m isabel my es are: 1:7/10 , 2:5%10 , 3:80% , 4: 20% Maritere is very dificult

Unknown ha dit...

In activity 1 10

celina ha dit...

Hello Mary Tere!!! in 1 activity 8/10
in 2 activity 5/10 in 3 activity 4/10
and in 4 activity 0/10......there aren't

Kim ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere

In activity 1 8/10
activity 2 7/10
activity 3 70%
activity 4 70%

Marian ha dit...

Hello MªTere!!!!
In activity 1 :9/10
In activity 2 :6/10
In activity 3 :58 %
In activity 4 :49 %

The activities are difficult.

Bye bye!!!

Unknown ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere my score is:
2.83 %
3.70 %
4.55 %

Unknown ha dit...

2- 6-10
3- 45 %
4- 52 ½

Unknown ha dit...

hello i am sandra my score is 96%

Natalia ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere my score is:
in activity 1:8/10
in activity 2:7/10
in activity 3:87%
in activity 4:80%


Unknown ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere!!! I'm Marc Simarro.

In activiti 1: 7/10
In activiti 2: 5/10
In activiti 3: 68 %
In activiti 4: 57 %

Maria ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere,im Maria, in the activiti I have 4 misteigs,In activiti 2 I not have misteigs,In activiti 3 i ave 4 misteigs and in activiti 4 i have 3 misteigs.

Loli ha dit...
L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.
Loli ha dit...

HELLO MariTere!! I'm Loli.

In the activity 1 9/10.
In the activity 2 95%.
In the activity 3 100%.
In the activity 4 57%.

Loli ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere I'm Maria c

In the activity 1 10/10
In the activity 2 76%
In the activity 3 84%
In the activity 4 46%

Paula ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere. I'm Paula.

In activity 1: 9/10
Activity 2: 8/10
Activity 3: 80%
Activity 4: 90%