

Hello! The winners for the first quiz (October 2012) are:

6th. A Primary: Jose Luís lacasa Sendra .
6th. B Primary: Lorena Ruiz Cabanellas.


Next quiz (November- December) is ready to do it!!!!



We start again!!!!! 
Are you ready to work a lot!!!!!
Welcome and enjoy this new school year!!!!


I know that this is the English blog but I want to dedicate,  to 6th. A and B students, a song in Catalan because they finish school in CP Badies and they will start  in High School. I wish you good luck!!!!!! Lots of kisses and behave youselves!!!!!

To You........

From Maria.

Hello Everybody!!! 

School has finished and summer starts!!! 
Now it is time to have fun and relax. But don't forget to do some English homework to get ready for next year!!! 

 Good luck and enjoy your summer holidays!!!


Last winners!

Hello! The winners for the quiz (April- May) are:

5th. A Primary: Patrick.
5th. B Primary: Javi Darvoy.
6th. A Primary: Ainhoa Uban.
6th. B Primary: Josune.


(Aquest concurs m'ha duit molta feina per triar els    guanyadors. Hi ha gent que ho ha fet molt bé però n'hi ha d'altres que simplement l'han copiat d'un company!!!) 


I have activated a hit counter to know how many people visit this blog!! I'm so happy because in only two days more than 100 people have visited it!! Thank you a lot and I hope it will help you to learn and practice English. THANK YOU!!!!


New quiz!!!

A new quiz is ready to do it!!!
Good luck!!!
( Click on "concurs")



Hello! The winners for the quiz (February-March) are:

5th. A Primary: Ajasha.
5th. B Primary: Igor.
6th. A Primary: Claudia Cuesta.
6th. B Primary: Luca.


Next quiz (April- May).


6th. B students

Hello!!! Mirau aquest video!! L'he penjat a la pàgina principal perquè cal que tothom el vegi!! Ho han fet molt bé!!! I ho tenien bastant preparat!! Enhorabona!!



Hello girls and boys! You have got the new quiz (February-March) hanged on the English blog!!! The last day to do it is the 24th. of March!!! I hope that everybody is going to do it on time!!!! It is a bit long so, don't do it the last day!!! Good luck!!!



Hello! The winners for the quiz (December-January) are:

5th. A Primary: Laia.
5th. B Primary: Lorena Fiol.

6th. A Primary: Míriam.
6th. B Primary: Maria Santos.


Next quiz (February and March).


5th. Primary students.

Hello!! Here you have got a very good page to work on directions. Please try it and send me a comment. Good luck!!!!

My City!, by Elizabeth Perez
Find this and other giving directions exercises in English Exercises .org

First click on "My city" and then you can try on giving directions exercises.


6th. Primary students: JOBS!!

Hello!! Here you have got a good page to work on "Jobs".

What do they do?, by Juan Guzman
Find this and other jobs exercises in English Exercises .org

First, click on What do they do? and then you can try with jobs exercises.
If you do it send me a message. Good luck!!!



Hello everybody!

Recordau que per repassar els temes que anam treballant a l'aula hi ha tot un grapat d'activitats o pàgines que us poden ajudar molt. Només heu d'anar a la dreta d'aquesta mateixa pàgina i allà on posa
etiquetes cercar el que voleu. Està col.locat per cicles o bé per activitats concretes. Us pot ajudar moltíssim a l'hora d'estudiar o repassar continguts treballats. Esper que ho utilitzeu, deixau un comentari si és així!!

(Per exemple
ara per tercer cicle hi ha tot un grapat d'activitats per treballar els verbs. Per sisè hi ha una pàgina molt interessant per treballar professions...)
Fins aviat!!




Now it is time to start working again!!!Enjoy this term and study a lot!!!