

Aviat començarem amb els dictats. Així que començau a practicar amb LEVEL ELEMENTARY.
Després enviau-me un comentari per veure com us ha anat.

30 comentaris:

Toni ha dit...

Hola sóc en Toni i no m'ha anat molt bé perqué no he trobat el dictat, he anat a google a cercar
a Level Elementary i no he trobat res l'únic que he trobat ha estat
informàcio. Adeu bon cap de setmana

Adrian Vadell Benavente ha dit...

Hello i´m Adrian 5éB.The dictation is very difficult.I made 13 mistakes:Student.

Loli ha dit...

HELLO !! It was difficult!!
I made 9 mistakes

Ainhoa ha dit...

It's difficult,difficult,difficult.
I made 22 mistakes:(puc dirte una cosa en catala????) "e fallat tot el dictat escepte els noms propis"

bey bey

Paula ha dit...
L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.
Kim ha dit...

It was very difficult.

I mate 12 mistakes:
There, are, some,students,one,very, student,Japanese,Japan,English, teacher.

Nuria ha dit...

hello, it was very difficult. I made 11 mistakes: are, some ,students, very , student, here ,is, japenese, japan, an english teacher

Paula ha dit...

Hello Maritere. It a little. I made 4 mistakes: some,where's,has and English.

naroa ha dit...

Hello, i'm Naroa. The dictation is very difficult. I made 2 mistakes: Japan and English.

Marian ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere.
The diction is very difficult!!!
I made 13 mistakes.


Marian ha dit...
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MiRiAm! (L) ha dit...

Hello Mari Tere!!!!! I'm Miriam(5thA)
I haven't got mistakes!!! But the dictation is very very difficult!!! =)

mariaelena ha dit...

Hello MªTere!!!Im Maria Elen 5ºB.The dictation its very difficult!!!I made 3 mistakes!!!

mariaelena ha dit...

Hello MªTere!!!Im Maria Elen 5ºB.The dictation its very difficult!!!I made 3 mistakes!!!

Unknown ha dit...

hi my name is maria c the dictation is very difficult!!!!!made 6 mistakes!!!!

martina ha dit...

it's very difficull!!!
im'got 10 mistaces

Ainhoa ha dit...

it very difficull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im got 12 mistaces dictation 2

Loli ha dit...

HELLO!!!I'm Loli in dictation 2 im got 10 mistaces: australia,an, languaje, teacher, with, children, en, europa

naroa ha dit...

Hello! I'm Naroa. The dictation is difficult. I made 3 mistakes: Europe, language and an.

Maria ha dit...
L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.
Unknown ha dit...

JOSE MARIA DICTATION 2. It´s vary difficult

Unknown ha dit...

JOSE MARIA DICTATION 1.It´s very difficult

Maria ha dit...

Hello,i'm Maria.I have 19 mistakes in the dictaton number 2.

mariaelena ha dit...

Hello MªTere Im Maria Elena 5ºB the dictation 2 it's very difficuld.I'm made 0 mistakes!!!

Ainhoa ha dit...


Maria ha dit...

Hello,i'm Maria.I have 18 mistakes i the dictation number 3.It's very very very very very very very dificuld.

Loli ha dit...

I'm Loli the dictation 3 is very dificult!!!But i'm 2 mistaces 6381, their

Ester ha dit...

Dictation number 3 is very,very dificult.

naroa ha dit...

Hello! I'm Naroa.Th dictation 3 is difficut. I made 1 mistakes: plus.

mariaelena ha dit...

Hello MªTere I'm Maria Elena 5ºB the dictation 3 it's very diffitculd .I'm 8 mistakes!!!