
Hello! The winners for the quiz (November) are:

5th. A Primary: Biel Cortès.
5th. B Primary: Paula Bustamante.

6th. A Primary: Maria Gomila.
6th. B Primary: Loli Córdoba.


Next quiz (December and January).


Our Swedish friends!!!

Hello 6th. primary students!! Here you have got a photo of our penfriend's school. They live in Varmdö (Sweden) The school is next to a lake.


Hello!!! Anau mirant els videos que vaig penjant!!! Heu d'entrar a la pipella de dalt on posa "videos"!!! Ho feis molt bé!!!! Al CP badies hi ha bons i bones artistes!!!


Hello! The winners for the quiz (October) are:

5th. Primary: Irene Múñoz from 5th. B class.

6th. Primary: Kim Pupak and Núria Gutierrez from 6th. B class.



Exams right here!!!!!

Hello!!! Ready for the first exams!!! Next week we'll start with the exams, please study a lot and ask me questions if you have got problems!!! Good luck!
(Primera setmana de Novembre: EXÀMENS!!!)


Hello 5th. and 6th. grade students!! Per poder repassar els nombres (ordinals and cardinals) aquí teniu una pàgina útil. Aprofitau-la i feis-me un comentari si la visitau!!!



Hello!!! As you know each month I'm going to hang a quiz for you to do it. You can win lots of interesting things if you answer correctly. Now you can start doing the first one. Click on " concurs" on top of the page and try to do it!!!!
Good luck!! and enjoy yourself!!!

Hello again!!!!!

Hello!!! We are back to school ready for a wonderful new school year!! I hope you are going to follow this blog!! Welcome and enjoy this year!!!



Let’s try this game about how do mammoths turned into elephants !
Use the ARROWS arrows and the SPACEBAR to move the elephant, eat leaves from trees, intimidate predators and talk to animals.
Tell me how many points have you got !
Ex: I’ve got ___ points.



A game about a Safari Park from San Diego (USA).



Can you solve these 11 activities about animals? Click on the image and continue learning about them !


I'm ill

Good morning!!! Estic malalta ... toca fer feina sols.
*Acabau de revisar AB,NOTEBOOK, SKILLS BOOK
*Feis el concurs i enviau-me les respostes
*Feis el COOKIE EATING i altres jocs del bloc (pensau a deixar un comentari)
*Preparau la presentació de l'SPEAKING

Un alumne de 5èB voluntari pot anar a explicar com vàrem fer la presentació divendres a la classe. Tots els de 5è A l'han de tenir feta i després enviar-la al meu correu.




Are you sure you know the name of the colours in English?
Are you able to pass this colours test? SEND ME A COMMENT.



The objective of this puzzle is to eat all of the cookies in just five straight passes. Use your mouse to select which path to follow.  When you have finished five passes, you will be given your score. Send me a comment with your score. (MY SCORE WAS ...)




What time is it?

Hello, here you've got an useful page to learn the time in English!!
What time is it?, by Víctor Gayol
Find this and other hours exercises in English Exercises .org


January ends!!!

Hello students!!! remember that next week, the 31st. January, is the last day to send us the results of the " concurs". Do it and win lots of interesting things!!!!


5th A-B - Feina a'aula

Estic malalta, així que avui toca fer feina sols. Heu de continuar amb els dictats. Recordau, a mida que anau escoltant, heu d'escriure el dictat al vostre quadern. Després el vos corregiu i em deixau aquí un comentari amb les errades que heu fet.
"I made ... mistakes: people, students, ..."
Heu de fer els tres primers dictats, si teniu dubtes demanau a 5è B que ho varen fer ahir.
Després podeu participar al concurs i fer altres activitats del bloc.